Replacing a person on a show can be sticky. What is your responsibility to that person and how do you handle settling in?

If I’m replacing someone I know I’ll reach out to them before arriving on set to let them know I was asked to come in and usually ask the circumstances of what happened just so I’m aware of the environment left behind. After that, it’s on you to just do the job to the best if your abilities and know they called you in for a good reason….


I also ask to have the DP call me to let me know what is going on from their perspective and if they are ok with me talking with the operator to get an idea from their perspective. You don’t want to be the next replacement operator to be thrown under the bus. Lastly, is the DP ok with me as the replacement. 

I feel it is always important to let everyone involved know what is going down.  I find 99% of the time it is personality issues and politics. Not competence.

This is never easy especially if it’s someone you know. I usually will ask to speak the DP and find out what’s going on. I dont ask too many pointed questions but I like to know if the person knows, if this is mutual etc. If it’s someone I know I will usually call. Bottom line, they aren’t being replaced because you are suddenly available, they are being replaced because something is wrong (well hopefully that’s the reason). They will find out one way or the other that you took the job so better to get out ahead of it. There is the option to simply say, that’s a friend and I can’t do this, but that means turning down work and someone else is going to take the gig. Bottom line, be straight with people, be honest, know that everything is going to eventually be revealed, and be comfortable with your decisions.


How do you go about establishing a romantic relationship, or successfully have a family and raise kids with someone, when you are working the hours we work?


Coming in on B camera with a new crew. What are the do’s and dont’s?