Quick Tip: Be Decisive

As an up-and-coming operator, it's hard to sound like you know exactly what you want to do because, let’s face it, you don't, or if you do, you're not sure that you do. I see this time and again with younger/newer operators and, largely due to societal reasons, I see this more with women who are coming up as operators than I do with men. That said, it’s a problem everyone starts with.

When rehearsal ends or you’re moving on to the next shot, the dolly grip and the AC are looking for information to act on so they can move the ball forward. I have found that new ops will ask rather than tell. “Can we have a 25 mm on the camera and can we put some dolly track from here to here?” Yes, there’s nothing wrong with being kind and respectful when telling your crew what is needed but remember, you are just passing info on down the line. While it seems that you are telling them what you need, in reality you are simply telling them what is needed to execute what the director and DP have charged you with creating.

So, instead of asking, be definitive. “Ok, let's get the camera over here on a 25mm on the wheels and dolly track from here to here, with the head of the dolly on this side of the track.” This lets your team know exactly what you need, and while they may continue to ask a question or two, to make sure that they understand what you need or aren’t overlooking something (it takes a village), they know definitively that you are certain what you need. It also tells them you know what you are doing.

Same goes with a report after a take.

“Was that good for you?”

“Well the beginning was good and the middle had a bump but the end was ok and there was this point in the front….” - everyone listening has lost faith in you by the time you got three words in and the producer is calling other operators.

“We’re good, we got it.”

“I need another one for camera.”

“I can do better lets go one more.”

Those are answers that instill confidence. And if you need another because of something that needs to be changed, immediately talk to the team member that you need help from - it shows that there was an issue, you are fixing it, and everyone is safe in your hands.

Oh, and if you ask for one more, you better nail it because you only get one ask and if you get it, you better use it.

Be definitive from the start and you will be telling those you work with that you know what you are doing (even if you don't).


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