Coffee Cups, Water Bottles, and Sides…OH MY!!

Three words.

Game. Of. Thrones.

For those who know, these three words strike fear in the heart of every op out there. Why? The Starbucks cup.

Now this is something you are going to be dodging for your entire career as an operator. Hopefully the crew you are working with is smart enough not to leave anything on set that shouldn’t be there (it’ll still happen) and hopefully your set dresser has an eagle eye for that kind of stuff (most do) but you still have to constantly be scanning and never more so then when the actors finally step on set to start shooting.

As they walk on set, I do my best to see what they are holding. Coffee cup, sides, water bottle, vitamin drink, smoothy, you name it, they will bring it. If I see what they are carrying than I can make sure it doesn’t need up anywhere in my field of view.

But hold on. In comes makeup and hair and sometimes they may have a water for the actor, or the actor might ask for a PA to bring one in.

And then there are sides. That last minute peak and then they stash it under a pillow only for you to realize that you saw it when they got up from the couch.

Now I don’t mean to disparage actors. They have a tough job and those last minutes before camera rolls are theirs to do with as they need. They are also thinking about a lot and a lot of that is different than what you are thinking about. So it’s your job to make sure you dont get “Game of Throned” (trademark pending).

When the actors come on set, I note what they have with them. As we are working, I’m constantly scanning the set and seeing what will need to be pulled out at the last minute. Before we roll, scan again and make sure there is nothing there. And finally, after we cut, quick scan to make sure that nothing has been revealed “Oh I didn’t know you were going to be seeing that…”

The bottom line is there are assassins everywhere and it’s your job to keep them at bay. Be vigilant and you will succeed. Get lax? Good luck on the next job (or at least make sure everyone knows so they can take it out in post).

Oh my gosh, I almost forgot the worst offender! Phones! They need to be handed off set and putting them in a pocket where the outline can be seen isn’t going to cut it!

Phones. They will get you every time.


Quick Tip: Accidentally Leave The Camera on a Frame You Like


When The Actors Get To Set